We all have a choice to believe in something, I choose to believe in God!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Isn't God amazing even in the little blessings He bestows? You know the ones, the little blessings that our heart whispers to Him that we don't realize how much we want until He bestows them.

I've been blogging for a year now and all this time I've been leaving comments on blogs that I never felt satisfied with. I never could express myself completely the way Kelline expresses herself. And how is that? Simple...using bold and italics. I want to emphasize the words that strike me and so therefore I want them to strike the reader. I want to bold what's powerful and emphasize what's important in order to bring out everything that can be brought out of a comment. I figured out how to use my HTML tags today and I'm beyond thrilled. Isn't that the silliest thing you've ever heard?

All this time I've been disappointed by this one lacking item of my writing. In my posts, I can bold and italicize all day. But in my comments, I couldn't. Well...I could but didn't know it. I've always wondered what that HTML tag <b> <i> <a> at the bottom of the comment box meant. I finally decided to Google it today. SHAZAM!! Such a tiny frivolity, but means so much to one such as me.

How does God factor into this? Because, He knows me. He knows that it's a part of my OCD personality to add as much perfection to my writing as is possible. He knows that I'll delete an entire page of text if it's not readable to me or perfect in every way that I can make it to be. I know....'Kelline....you're mistaken if you think you're a perfect grammarian and writer.' I know...I agree. I mean as close to perfect as I can get to my own personal satisfaction. There's always something missing when I can't bold or italicize my text. I must be able to complete myself when I'm communicating with others. That's just how I feel. I don't want to talk to you guys half way. I don't want you to try to figure out what I mean or why I put a punctuation mark where it doesn't go, which throws the entire meaning off. Notice this? Notice this. Notice this! Notice this! Notice THIS? See what I mean? It all depends on how you write it and punctuate it as to how the reader perceives it. God knows that about me.

It's always God that I return to in times like this. I never glorify myself (in my heart) and say, "I did so good." I always want Him to know that I couldn't have figured it out without the wisdom, ability, effort, and/or all other things He's added to me to allow it. I could be in a wheelchair staring out a window all day thought to be empty-headed. He's blessed me! Thank you Lord!

Now, if you don't know how to use your HTML tags...it's just this simple.

HTML tag 101:

In order to bold your text, enclose the word or phrase with: 

 <strong> [text goes here]  </strong>  

Don't forget your forward slash and make sure there is no space between the inward arrow left and the inward arrow right. Otherwise you'll get a red banner over the comment box that says "your HTML code was not accepted."

In order to italicize your text, enclose your word or phrase with:

<em> [text goes here] </em>

Again, making sure there is no space between the inward-pointing arrows and the word(s) to be italicized.

There's also ways to use these tags in a bullet list and numbered but I'm working with these only for now. Y'all feel free to practice your codes here in the comment boxes. If I see a whole bunch of kooky phrases, I'll know my bloggy friends have been practicing their HTML tags. It's all fun and experience so practice practice practice ladies (and gent).




  1. Kelline, congrats on your new findings. In fact I used the red font today in my post. I always bold what I say, and if I quote someone, I leave it on regular. Then I found out later some browsers do not even show the bold after you do it. But, I still do it any way.

    Thank you for sharing what you have learned today. Blessings dear.

    1. I don't think the HTML tags are necessary for posts. Just comments. For posts we have all the options at the top of each new text box. But in the comment box is where we have no options and hence, HTML tags are necessary. Thanks for coming by.

  2. Thank you Kelline. And I appreciate you transparency in your most recent comment to me. Blessings.

    1. I don't know, JBR, I just found so much pretense in the church that what was supposed to be a joyous occasion every time service was in, turned out to be a building full of fakers pretending to be pious and Christ-like. Do you know that when I quit attending that church (after 6 years of faithful attendance 3x weekly, joining in all the activities) I wasn't called, written, or visited by one person from the entire church. All of which hugged my neck and told me they loved me for 6 years. Yet not one of them ever checked to see if I was even still alive or needed something. I know that not all churches are like that, but then I tried it again and found the same thing. People pretending to be something they weren't. Instead of coming out from among those in the world as the Bible says, I had to come out from among my own people and "be ye separate." It's a tragic tale. But, we have to walk with God the way we each see fit. Sorry to be a downer for a moment but that's what transparency is, it's the ability to be forthright and honest about life instead of pretending that knowing God makes life perfect. He never promised us a rose garden, am I right? Thanks for coming by again JBR.

    2. Do not apologize. I am sorry you have had these experiences. Hugs to you.

    3. I love hugs and accept as many as are offered!!! Thank you!! I apologized because it came across rather negative. I don't mean to spread those vibes but I guess I should have mentioned that a lot of my blog posts from the archives tell the tale of my journey away from religion and into the arms of the Lord.

  3. Shucks, this is a new discovery to me too, [shazam] . lol. shazam is my new word for today I will try to add it to all my interactions with folks in my house lol.
    [SHAZAM] fun post, a post with an activity lol

    1. I think I did it. Maybe I didn't follow the instructions properly, there are boxes around my shazams lol. I kind of wish I had the ocd you have, I sometimes put punctuation marks anywhere and don't realize until I proof read, I don't proof read always I probably should lol.

      Oh, random thought, captchas are so impossible lol,do you know what capthas are? They're probably my least favorite thing on the internet. They pop up everywhere i go and comment on something on all kinds of websites. I'ts suppose to be preventing robots from posting comments, so they put captchas to make sure we're human and not a robot. More often especially on here, the captchas are so difficult to read I'm certain only a robot can figure out what it says. Oh the internet, the only place where I have to prove I'm a human.

    2. LOL...I'm having so much fun with your comment today..LOL...okay first, HA HA HA HA HA HA..Sateigdra..you're not supposed to add the brackets silly goose! The brackets were my add to enclose the word "text goes here" LOL...HA HA HA HA...that is so funny. You got the bold right, now remove the brackets unless you're adding your own brackets to a comment. I just used them to show you where your words would go between the arrows pointing inward [see what I mean?]

    3. uh...would you look at that? I left space and it bolded after all. Okay, new rule, the space between the HTML tags and the word actually doesn't matter evidently because you were supposed to see the HTML tags around the words "see what I mean" with the brackets included for effect. Geezaloo! Oh and enjoy "SHAZAM" LOL..it's a good one!

  4. I love you Kelline! I wished I'd of known of your dissatisfaction. :) A few years back, I was learning a lot of html for a website of mine. although i've lost most of what I learned from not using it.

    Your praise to God and giving Him the glory is I think a good reason for Him to bless you.

    Some people will say, "Oh how stupid you thank God for finding something lost or you thank God for "coincidences".
    Little do they know.
    We need to thank Him in the little things. He deserves all praise. And if we don't praise Him the rocks will cry out.

    Although as you've noticed i'm not one big on grammatics.(i think i just made that word up)lol
    Although without the proper grammar internet chat can be misunderstood.
    So CHEERS! to the new discovery :)

    1. Look who's using bolding? It's catching on like wildfire and I feel so stupid for not having figured it out sooner. This is what I keep trying to explain to folks that don't understand why I ask so many questions. It takes me forever to figure stuff out! But, as always, it's God to get the glory for it and:

      I LOVE YOU TOO!!!

  5. Hi Kelline,
    I think you just answered part of my prayer. I was just sitting down after breakfast thinking that maybe I would put some particular writings on my blog which would speak to people who don't know the Lord. Then I thought 'oh, maybe I'll put them on a separate blog.' Then I thought 'but I don't know anything about 'links', to be able to link the one blog to the other. Then I come on your blog and see all this helpful info on commenting. I am a person who learns much better by someone's simple instruction as opposed to long, drawn out instructions, which quite often I don't know how to find. So if you or anyone can give me info on linking one blog to another, I would be very glad.

    1. Hi Brenda,

      Well, first I'll need to know if you mean, linking the blog from within a post, (like when you have the option to click a highlighted word while reading in someone's post) or showing a link on the right side of your blog's page with links included to other websites. Let me know as specifically as you can what kind of link you want to do and/or add, and I will give you the best step by step instructions I can to see if we can't accomplish this goal together! That means come by as often as you need to and leave a bazillion comments if that's what it takes and I'll be checking for comments to see. It might take us a little time but eventually, we'll get it!!

  6. Thankyou Kelline,
    I left a reply to your comment on my blog, but it is a link from within my post I want at the moment. Thinking about it though, I notice that it says 'my blogs' on people's profiles, so I will probably have to put something in my profile too. I will probably be a bit slow doing it but 'with a little help from my friends' as they say, I will get there.
    Thanks again Kelline.

    1. Interesting, I commented here this morning and then copy and pasted that same comment into your blog's comment box and edited it to suit your blog and I came here to see if you had gotten it, and my comment doesn't exist. Stupid Blogger.

      Okay, let me try again. I need to know if by "link within a post" you mean, as I do, that when you type up a new article or post you want to add the link inside the text box along with the rest of your words? That's what "link within a post means." Okay, I'm going to check on your blog and see if the comment is there as it was copy and pasted this morning. Grrr, that's annoying. Anyway, we'll figure this out together and I'm honored to help. To God be the glory for our every success.

  7. Replies
    1. Hahahahahahaha, yes? Am I missing something? I am here JBR!


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