We all have a choice to believe in something, I choose to believe in God!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Advocate~Shiloh~The Resurrection and the Life~Shepherd and Bishop of Souls~Judge~Master~Lord of Lords~Rock~Man of Sorrows~Savior~Head of the Church~Faithful and True Witness~Servant~High Priest~Living Water~Bread of Life~Rose of Sharon~Messiah~Alpha & Omega~True Vine~Teacher~Holy One~I AM~Mediator~The Beloved~Son of God~Good Shepherd~Branch~Light of the World~The Almighty~Carpenter~Image of the Invisible God~The Door~The Word~Bridegroom~Chief Cornerstone~Redeemer~Author and Finisher of our Faith~Everlasting Father~Lamb of God~King of Kings~Lion of the Tribe of Judah~Anchor~Prophet~Only Begotten Son~Wonderful Counselor~Immanuel~Son of Man~Dayspring~The Amen~King of the Jews~Bright and Morning Star~Prince of Peace~The Way~The Truth~The Life~Holy One~Deliverer~Potentate~Prince of Life~The Just One~JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth